Equity-Focused Training
Self-Paced, Online Professional Development
Equity-Focused Training
Offering diverse materials - articles, videos, interactive activities, self-reflection and guided practice and learning modules - that enable educators to enhance their practice at their own pace online
Looking for critical resources?
The Design for Change J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Training is our approach to building the orientation and skills for anti-bias, justice-centered design thinking alongside youth. The content will provide meaningful activities, guided instruction, and space for reflecting, making complex issues easier to navigate and teach.
Start engaging today!

J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Training, in 3 Simple Steps

1. Learn
First, learn from intentional reference materials as you enhance your understanding of unconscious bias, privilege, and allyship.

2. Explore
Next, explore critical activities, videos, and frameworks as you further develop your habits of mind around justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

3. Reflect
After spending time reading, watching, and engaging, you will analyze the impact of these topics in your work and reflect on your learnings.
Key Details

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Earn a certificate and possible CPE, CEUs or clock hours

Number of Modules
5 modules

Time Commitment
45-90 minutes per module

Hands-on professional development
Anti-bias, justice-centered
Address social issues
5+ critical activities to support learning

Social-Emotional Learning and CASEL Competencies, Social Justice Education

Key Themes
Social justice
Anti-bias teaching
Privilege and allyship

Course Structure

Targeted Grade Levels
4th-8th grade​