Professional Development
Connect with experts and perfect your craft.

The Design for Change Certified Educator Training is online professional development offering access to expert materials about design thinking for social change, guided student activities to implement the Design for Change process, and hands-on learning modules to further strengthen your practice as you work to shape your school into a design thinking community.
The Design for Change J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Training is our approach to building the orientation and skills for anti-bias, justice-centered design thinking alongside youth. The content will provide meaningful activities, guided instruction, and space for reflecting, making complex issues easier to navigate and teach.
We also provide additional services and workshops
We work with schools and districts to customize our program
In-person or remote live workshops
Custom podcasts highlight voices from your community
Custom activities that are aligned with lesson plans

Studies show when students connect the dots about what they’re learning in school to the real world, they are far more engaged.